Learning Takeaways

Leadership and Innovation: Embracing Sustainability for Future Growth

Climate challenges require driving sustainable practices and fostering innovation.

Leadership and Innovation: Embracing Sustainability for Future Growth

Evolving Trade Dynamics: Global Imports and Their Role in Supporting US Jobs

Georgetown University's J. Bradford Jensen, Nita Rudra, and Niccolo Bonifai shared their insights.

Evolving Trade Dynamics: Global Imports and Their Role in Supporting US Jobs

Digital Trade Revolution: What’s at Stake if the WTO Fails its Global E-Commerce Deal?

Dr. Deborah Elms, the Head of Trade Policy at the Hinrich Foundation, sheds light on this key issue.

Digital Trade Revolution: What’s at Stake if the WTO Fails its Global E-Commerce Deal?

Unilateral Green Rules and Voluntary Standards: A Balancing Act for Brazil

Rodrigo Fagundes Cezar, a professor at Fundação Getulio Vargas School of International Relations, shared insights.

Unilateral Green Rules and Voluntary Standards: A Balancing Act for Brazil

A Conversation with Mr. Dennis Francis, President of the 78th Session of the UN General Assembly

President Francis is focused on peace and security, sustainability, and multilateralism’s role in the UN agenda.

A Conversation with Mr. Dennis Francis, President of the 78th Session of the UN General Assembly