InsightsFOREIGN PRESS USAMay 13, 2023Fox News, Misinformation, Nina Jankowicz, Alan Herrera Former DHS Official Takes Legal Action Against Fox News Nina Jankowicz filed a lawsuit alleging Fox News disseminated false reports that endangered her life. InsightsFOREIGN PRESS USAMay 13, 2023Fox News, Misinformation, Nina Jankowicz, Alan Herrera
InsightsAlan HerreraMay 03, 2023Google, YouTube, Climate Crisis, Misinformation, Alan Herrera Google Accused of Profiting from Climate Misinformation on YouTube A new study highlights 100 videos featuring “blatant lies” about the climate crisis that Google ran advertisements on. InsightsAlan HerreraMay 03, 2023Google, YouTube, Climate Crisis, Misinformation, Alan Herrera
Press Freedom ReportsFOREIGN PRESS USAMarch 10, 2022China, Misinformation A Chinese Government Adviser Calls for Legislation Banning Fake News At the same time, Beijing is finding new ways to intimidate foreign reporters. Press Freedom ReportsFOREIGN PRESS USAMarch 10, 2022China, Misinformation
Press FreedomFOREIGN PRESS USAMarch 02, 2022Putin, RT, EU, Misinformation The EU Has Banned RT and Sputnik to Stop Putin's Misinformation Press FreedomFOREIGN PRESS USAMarch 02, 2022Putin, RT, EU, Misinformation