AFPC-USA: Foreign Correspondents Talk with Ediz Tiyansan from Turkey

AFPC-USA: Foreign Correspondents Talk with Ediz Tiyansan from Turkey

Ediz Tiyansan is a seasoned Turkish journalist with an impressive nine years of experience in broadcast journalism. He has covered a diverse range of global events, from conflict zones in the Middle East to political upheavals in Latin America.

Throughout his career, Tiyansan has reported on some of the most pressing issues of our time, including the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the Libya War, and the Gaza Wars. He gained recognition for his first exclusive access to northern Syria following the withdrawal of Daesh forces in 2016, providing firsthand accounts of the region's complex dynamics.

Tiyansan's journalistic journey has taken him across continents, from the intense political landscape of the Trump Presidency in the United States to the Latin American elections and the turmoil in Venezuela. He has also covered significant events such as the Central American migrant caravans, offering comprehensive insights into the social and political challenges facing the region.

Despite the hardships of covering grim war zones, Tiyansan remains grateful for the opportunity to shed light on important global issues and to share stories that often go unheard.

In a recent interview conducted by Indian journalist Khushboo Razdan for the Foreign Correspondents Talk series 2024 organized by the Association of Foreign Press Correspondents USA, Tiyansan shared reflections on his experiences in the field and the impact of frontline reporting on his outlook on life.