An Overwhelming Attack on Independent Media in Belarus

An Overwhelming Attack on Independent Media in Belarus

As Belarusian authorities attempt to crackdown on freedom of expression, free journalism is constantly under attack. An attempt by the government in Belarus to stifle independent media has resulted in the blocking of the country's leading news agency (BelaPAN) and the detention of journalists - a further sign of tough times ahead for press freedom activists. 

After 30 years of operation, Belarus' oldest and largest independent news agency has ceased operations. Journalists working for the agency, including the agency's editor-in-chief, could now face up to four years in prison for committing crimes of inciting "disorder," as Belarus authorities define independent journalism. Alexander Lukashenko, the Belarusian president, seems determined to silence opposition and free expression in Belarus. Those who protest his authoritarian practices face violent retribution. More than 35.000 protestors were arrested and beaten by Belarusian police during a protest against President Lukashenko a year ago. 

In spite of the sanctions imposed by European partners following the arrest of blogger Raman Pratasevich who diverted the plane he was traveling on, the Belasurian regime shows no intention of respecting basic press freedoms. The journalists for Belsat TV, Darya Chultsova and Katsiaryna Andreyeva received two years in prison for filming the protests. According to civil rights groups, detentions of people opposing Lukashesko's regime have increased in recent months. Government authorities have detained roughly 500 journalists in the past year alone, in addition to forcing the closure of Press Club Belarus last month. 

Reporters Without Borders (RSF) and the World Organization Against Torture said in a report that Lukashenko has implemented a "system of repression designed to silence journalists." As AP reported, the United States embassy in Belarus condemned the crackdown on independent media stating that “the regime’s fear of truth is bottomless as it rabidly assaults press freedom. Virtually all independent media outlets in Belarus have been targeted. Today it was BelaPAN’s turn again. But the voices of freedom cannot be silenced; justice will prevail.”