She Brews Hope and Resilience Even During War

Nearly three years after the Russian invasion, Ukrainian office-worker Lyudmila Kovalenko still feels the conflict’s surreal horror. “The barbarity of what Russia has done continues to haunt me," she admits.
Still, there's a silver lining to her story. While she works in a country ravaged by Russia's genocidal invasion, she finds strength and resolve through her place of work, at Ukraine's Lovaré Tea Company. She sees examples of resilience and service that help keep her going.
The Russian invaders bombed Lovaré at the beginning of the Full Scale Invasion, but it’s been rebuilt and today continues to supply 30 countries with tea. As an operating company, it plays a role in keeping the Ukrainian economy going. Lovaré also provides a sense of purpose and mutual support for its employees.
Located in Velyka Dymerka, the Lovaré production facility is 25 miles northeast of Ukraine’s capital. It’s an unfortunate location because in February 2022, the town turned out to be on the route that Russian invaders took when heading towards Kyiv. The Russians occupied the town for more than a month, and during that time, they repeatedly shelled the Lovaré factory and warehouse. They seemed to be deliberately trying to destroy people’s livelihoods, and for no reason.
Although the invaders failed to obliterate the facility, the damage was severe. Rebuilding under the threat of rocket attacks, power cuts, and material shortages turned out to be a slow, arduous process. Now operational again, Lovaré has lost 41 of its 414 employees to military service, but continues to export to markets in the EU, USA, Canada, Israel, and Moldova.
Kovalenko is experiencing what it’s like to be an employee in a war-torn country. “My husband joined the Army the day of the invasion, and I’m in constant fear for him,” she says. "Often this overwhelms me. It makes it hard to focus."
Between worrying about her husband, and the threat of Russian drones and rockets, and the terrifying possibility of triggering one of the landmines left by the retreating Russians, she is enduring a serious emotional toll. "Even the simplest daily tasks now require a monumental effort," she confesses.
She’s not alone in experiencing this. By some estimates, more than half of Ukraine's citizens are grappling with mental health issues that sap their energy. These include conditions such as insomnia, or depression or panic attacks.
The good news is that for Kovalenko, work at Lovaré provides her with a sense of purpose. As she explains, "This work gives me the strength to wake up in the morning; it's a common cause that supports us all."
What really helps her is, she likes to imagine a woman somewhere in Ukraine, who each morning has a solacing cup of Lovaré tea. Maybe the woman has had an anxious night of worry, punctuated with the wail of the air raid sirens, and then in the morning she finds renewed energy and hope and maybe even some cheer in her morning cup of hot tea. Kovalenko loves knowing that working for Lovaré, she’s playing even a small role in helping revive people’s spirits.
For tea enthusiasts looking to support Ukraine, Lovaré's tea is available at or on Amazon. The teas are full-bodied, flavorful, and there are 12 different kinds to sample. Kovalenko is proud, knowing that the Lovaré tea collection sets make excellent gifts, featuring assortments of different flavors, all packaged in elegant boxes.
With a selection of nearly a dozen varieties, including the highly recommended Winter Tea, buying Lovaré tea is not only about savoring a delicious cup but also about standing in solidarity with the courageous individuals who continue to persevere despite the almost inhuman challenges they face.
These men and women provide encouragement to each other, they pay taxes that help keep the country going, and they provide us with some of the best, most flavorful tea that a tea enthusiast could find.

War Correspondent Mitzi Perdue writes from and about Ukraine. She is the Co-Founder of, an on-line program that will begin providing online mental health support in Ukraine, available on-line, free, 24/7.