Pamplonews: A Community-Driven Success Story on WhatsApp

Spain has witnessed a notable shift in how its citizens access and engage with news content. A recent survey conducted by the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism's 2023 Digital News Report revealed that WhatsApp has now become Spain's second most popular online source for news, with over a quarter of respondents acknowledging its role in keeping them informed. Only Facebook surpasses WhatsApp in terms of news consumption in the country.

The increasing prominence of WhatsApp as a news source has spurred media organizations to embrace creative strategies for engaging and staying connected with their readership. Notable among these approaches are the introduction of fact-checking services by entities like Maldita and Newtral. Furthermore, with the launch of WhatsApp's "channels" feature in June 2023, well-established media outlets including El Pais, ABC,, As, and La Sexta have swiftly adopted this feature to disseminate their news stories.

One standout example of this shift in news consumption habits is Pamplonews, a local daily newsletter exclusively available on WhatsApp, catering to the residents of Pamplona, the capital of the northeastern Spanish province of Navarra. Launched in the same month as WhatsApp's channel feature, Pamplonews has already gained over 9,100 subscribers in less than six months.

For the co-founders of Pamplonews, Juan Andres Muñoz and Diego Macaya, their approach to news delivery transcends traditional broadcasting. Muñoz emphasized:

“Our philosophy is that it is not just a medium that sends information for people to consume, but a way of creating an omnidirectional relationship and a community. The idea is to try to help people to live better and to get the most out of the city of Pamplona through quality, trustworthy and reliable information.” 

Pamplonews takes pride in highlighting the positive aspects of the city, emphasizing what brings the community together and fosters a sense of togetherness. The engagement with subscribers is a cornerstone of their success. Readers often provide feedback and even suggest stories for the newsletter. Pamplonews incorporates subscriber-generated content, such as photos of community events or updates on local issues, to create a sense of belonging.

The newsletters are designed to be visually appealing, easily digestible, and brief, taking just a few minutes to read. They feature bolded titles, emojis, and links to original sources, enhancing the overall user experience.

The decision to choose WhatsApp as the platform for their newsletters was driven by its immense popularity in Spain and its ability to engage readers directly. Pamplonews leverages WhatsApp Communities, designed for large messaging groups with a common interest and ongoing discussions. While only administrators can send messages, individuals can privately respond to Macaya and Muñoz. This approach was preferred over WhatsApp's newer Channels, which are more geared towards one-to-many broadcasting and lack the two-way communication that fosters a sense of personal connection.

One challenge of using WhatsApp is the limited audience data it provides. To address this, Pamplonews allows people to subscribe via a separate landing page, where they are prompted to provide more information, such as their phone number, name, and zip code. Although only 10% have subscribed through the landing page, it provides valuable demographic data. In conjunction with insights from reader interactions, it offers a glimpse into the diverse age and gender demographics of their readers, primarily local residents.