"Missing Perspectives" Directory Bridges Gaps in Newsroom Representation

Newsrooms have been shifting toward greater diversity and inclusivity—but it’s slowgoing.

Recognizing this need, Missing Perspectives, a media tech company, has launched an innovative platform aimed at amplifying the voices and perspectives of women in journalism.

The Missing Perspectives Directory is designed to connect newsrooms with women professionals and experts, offering a platform for women reporters to seek assignments or pitch stories to news organizations. This initiative seeks to address the widespread underrepresentation of young women in the global news industry, striving to rectify this imbalance by fostering connections between newsrooms and women talent.

This directory provides a dual interface, allowing both reporters and newsrooms to sign up. The goal is to establish a bridge, linking news outlets with women talent and expert sources across various regions and communities. The platform adopts an inclusive definition of women, encompassing individuals who identify and live as female, irrespective of their assigned sex at birth.

Although it is presently in its soft launch phase, the platform has already garnered around 190 early adopters. Its official launch is scheduled for February 2024. For reporters, access to the directory is free. However, newsrooms utilizing the platform will incur a 2% fee on all payments processed through the directory.

Women registered in the directory gain access to posted assignments from national and international newsrooms. Additionally, they can directly pitch story ideas to news outlets and manage their assignments, commissions, and invoices through the platform.

Newsrooms benefit from a robust search function within the directory, enabling them to filter results based on region, country, lived experience, and thematic focus. They can post calls for talent and stories and review pitches from reporters and content creators. Beyond newsrooms, the platform has attracted interest from universities, brands, film, and production houses eager to engage with female professionals through this innovative tool.